Abstract :
This study was a qualitative study with case study approach conducted at SLB Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi Maschjun Sofwan. The purposes of this case study were to find out the English teachers? strategies to teach writing descriptive text, the implementation of pop up cards and the effectiveness of the pop up cards to improve the hearing impaired students skill in writing descriptive text. The participant of this study were the students in 9th grade at SLB Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi Maschjun Sofwan which consisted of 15 students. The investigation of this study was done through the qualitative research with observation, in-depth interview and documentation as the techniques in collecting the data. In analyzing, the observations were conducted in order to know the strategies used by the English teacher in teaching descriptive text writing, the use of pop up cards by the teacher, and also the effectiveness of the use of pop up cards in teaching descriptive text writing for hearing impaired students at SLB Prof. Dr. Sri Soedewi Maschjun Sofwan. The interview was done with one English teacher who teach 9th grade in the potential school and contained the questions which related to the topic of this study. The data analysis steps in this study were familiarizing and organizing, coding and reducing, interpreting and representing. The first finding of this study identified some strategies used by English teacher in the classroom. The second finding was the cooperation of teacher and the students to make the pop-up cards and used the pop-up cards as the media to help the students in learning the material. The last finding was the effectiveness of pop up cards as the media to enrich students? vocabulary and improve their writing skills.