Abstract :
Asyrafi, Fadhil. 2020. Word and Phrases Translation Procedures Used in the Indonesian Subtitle of TED-Ed YouTube Videos. Thesis. English Education Study Program. Language and Arts Department. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Jambi in Academic Year 2019/2020. The first supervisor is Yanto, S.Pd., M.Ed. The second supervisor is Tubagus Zam Zam Al Arif, S.Pd., M.Pd.
The aim of this study was to identify the kinds of translation procedures used in Indonesian subtitles of TED-Ed educating animation videos in the level of words, or to be more specified, in the nouns or noun phrases found there. This research used descriptive qualitative method where the researcher listed and identified the translation procedures found and described each of the procedures available according to the theory of Newmark (1988, p. 81-93). The objects and the sources of data in this research are only two educational videos in TED-Ed YouTube channel specifically selected by the researcher, focused on one translator with most contributions to the TED-Ed Indonesian community as of August 2019: Dewi Barnas. The two videos are the ones with the highest views among all of her contributions. The subtitles in the videos are then downloaded and analyzed. From the videos in this research, it is proven that either almost half or more than half of all the noun phrases translated used specific procedures of translation that are not so direct or literal. The first video (The loathsome, lethal mosquito) has 32 noun phrases belonging to specific translation procedures, whereas the second video (The benefits of a bilingual brain) has 80 noun phrases translated that way. Out of all those translation procedures found by the researcher, some that appears quite often are: Naturalization, Transference, Expansion, Reduction, Synonymy, Functional Equivalent, Paraphrase and Transposition. The other translation procedures also appear even though not in a higher frequency.
Key Words: Subtitle, Translation, YouTube.