Abstract :
The research aimed to investigate the effect of pantomime games on students' speaking skills at SMP Negeri 22 Kota Jambi in the academic year of 2019/2020. The researcher used a pre-experimental design which is the design uses One-Group Pretest-Posttest. The population of this research was the seventh grade of SMP Negeri 22 Kota Jambi. The sample of this research was one class consisting of 30 students. The researcher used an oral speaking test in collecting the data. The overall mean score of speaking pre-test of students' speaking skills before being taught by using the pantomime game was 66,13. After getting the treatment, the overall mean score of speaking post-test of students' speaking skills was 74,96. It shows that the result of the post-test is higher than the pre-test. The questionnaire is another instrument to support the research data to know students' level of motivation and attitude. There are 10 questions for motivation and 10 for attitude. Every item gets a high level (mean in the range 2,61 to 3,40).
Based on the result of data analysis using a paired sample t-test, the value of significant (2-tailed) was 0,000 < 0,05. It means that alternative hypothesis (Ha) state there is a significant difference of students' speaking score before and after they are taught using pantomime game is accepted, while the null hypothesis (Ho) state there is no significant difference of students' speaking score before and after they are taught by using pantomime game is rejected. It can be concluded that the pantomime game is effective to be used in learning English, especially for speaking skills.