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Universitas Jambi
Utami, Nisrina Hana
L Education (General) 
2019-07-25 07:39:46 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Utami, N.H. 2018. The English Reading Habits of Fifth Semester Students at English Education Study Program in Jambi University. Thesis. English Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Jambi University in Academic Year 2018/2019.The First Supervisor is Duty Volya, S.Pd., M.Pd. The Second Supervisor is Susanah, S.Pd., M.Sc. Key words: reading, reading habit This research a qualitative research with a descriptive approach design. The purpose of this research is to know the reading habits of the fifth semester students at English Education Study Program in Jambi University. The participants of this research were six students from the fifth semester at English Education Study Program in Jambi University who got low score (C+), medium score (B+) and high score (A) in reading courses start from Reading for General Purposes, Reding for Professional Context, and Reading for Academic Purposes. Then, the researcher gets the data of this research through interview that contains some questions. Based on the data that the researcher obtained, the researcher classified this research into 3 themes which the sub-themes of each theme consisted of 5 points. They are: (1) reading for hobby, (2) reading for recreational, and (3) reading for concentration. For the first theme , the sub-themes are reading in every ocasion, expression when reading English, things will happen if do not read English reading, reading English for and expression when finding an interesting English reading. Then the second theme, the sub-themes are expression when reading on rainy weekend, expression when reading at campus during free time, expression about reading for fun at home, reading different kinds of books, and when do not read English text in free time. Whereas for the third theme, the sub- themes are when lecturer asks questions what you have read, expression about doing workbook pages and worksheets, reading at campus, reading from college book and when it is time for reading class.These themes and the sub-themes were used to get the data of this research. The finding of this research showed that first, all of the participants do not really read the English text as their hobby and most of them read the English text in a certain place such as in the class, at home and in a community. Second, some of the students that read the English text for recreational just because they understand about the language and interesting one. Third, most of the participants are more reading for concentration mostly in positive respond than another type of reading. Last, the result shows that the students reading habits is a concentration where mostly most of the participants in this research do the English reading at campus and for the activities in campus, such as reading the workbook pages or worksheet, facing the reading class, and reading the college book. This is because the students want to be able and understand about the lesson so they can have a good achievement at their campus. 
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Universitas Jambi