Abstract :
Mutaz Aisar, 2019, Students? Difficulties in Translating English Text Into Bahasa Indonesia in Translation Practice Course. A Thesis. English Teacher Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teachers Training, Jambi University, Jambi. Advisors. Dra. Dr. Yelia, M.Pd And Dra. Armiwati. M.Hum
Key words: Translation, Translation Practice, Students? difficulties.
Translation plays an important role in academic context. It helps the students in making the basic connections between the source language and the target language and helps the students to understand better the text of one language to other language. Translation also plays a key role in exchanging information between languages, especially if one wants the get information or news from other language that requires the reader to indirectly translate the text. Furthermore, to get a better translation result, the use suitable translation method also needed in translation process. This thesis focuses on students? difficulties in translating English text into bahasa Indonesia in translation practice course and to know what are the difficulties that they going to face in translation text itself. This research is a descriptive qualitative research. The subjects were 10 students from six semester student who has already passed the class. Data collection was done by interviewing students. The researcher analyzed the words, the phrases and sentences which related to the interview question. After received the data, the researcher found that there are some problem such as idioms, grammar, choice of words and lack of vocabulary still a exist as a problem for the students to translate the text from english text into bahasa Indonesia text.