Abstract :
Introduction : Chronic renal failure is a pathological condition in which
permanent kidney damage cause the kidney are uvable to perform its fuction
profperly, so body can not perform metabolism and fail to manintain fluid and
electrolytc balace in the body. Hemodialysis in renal replacement therapy due to
malfuction of kidney organs sublances terlant and liquid in the blood through the
membrane semi permiable, so it is not uncummon clients who will undergo
hemodialysis experience anxiety. Method : The reseacrh design used was pre
experimental with the design of one until taken 15 respondents obstained by quata
sampling. Data collection using questioner with HARs scale. Research begins
with pre testand then done Benson Relaxation tecniquefollowed by post test. Data
analysis using non parametrict test is wilcoxon. Result : This study shows the
level of patients hemodialysis discomfort before Benson Relaxation technique is
as many nine people (60%) axious and after done Benson relaxation
exeperienting mild anxiety that is as nine people (60%). The results of statistical
test before and after done Benson Relaxation Technique that is p value 0,000
where value <0,05 can be concluded that there is difference between technique to
level of anxiety. Discussion : This recommendation is addressed to patients to
patients undergoing hemodialysis therapy so that the relaxed anxiety levels of
Benson can be resolved.
Keywords : Benson Relaxation, Anxiety, Hemodialysis