Abstract :
Preliminary: Cancer is an abnormal, continuous and uncontrolled growth of
cells, it can damage the surrounding tissue and can spread to the places that are
far from its origin that is called as metastasis. Cancer cells are malignant and can
cause death, they can originate or grow from any cell type in the human body.
Vulva hygiene is the cleansing of vulva and its surrounding areas in women.
Vulva hygiene has to be done to keep the sanitary area clean and avoid disease.
The purpose of this study was to identify the Behavioral Relationship of Vulva
Hygiene in Housewives with Cervical Ca Risk in the Area of Puskesmas Mangli,
Jember District. Method: The research design that is used in this study is
correlational with cross sectional approach. The number of samples taken are 97
respondents, which obtained with Simple Random Sampling technique. Data
collection used are questionnaires and likert scale. data analysis using
Univariate Analysis and bivariate analysis.Result: Based on rho speraman test by
using SPSS showed the result of stastistic test in the research obtained (P value =
0,000; ? = 0,05; r = 0,892) shows that there is no relation between vulva hygiene
behavior in housewives to the risk of cervical ca riks in the region of Puskesmas
Mangli District Jember. Discussion: This recommendation is aimed at getting to
know good vulva hygiene behavior If they have known the recomendation, it is
expected that the housewives are able to apply. Healthy with lifestyle, no smoking
behavior, healthy diet, regular exercise, healthy sex by keeping faithful to the
Keywords: vulva hygiene behavior, housewives, cervical cancer riskAbstrak