Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
jannah, arifatul
407 Education, Research & Related Topics
2021-06-12 03:23:06
Abstract :
Jannah, Arifatul. 2021. Analysis of EFL Junior High School Teachers? Understanding on CAR; A case study in Bondowoso. Thesis, English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah Jember. Advisors: 1) Tanzil Huda, DR. M.Pd 2) Anita Fatimatul L, M.Pd
Key Words: EFL junior high school teachers, Understanding, CAR.
Classroom Action Research functions as a tool to solve problems that arise in the classroom, as a tool for teacher motivation in improving learning methods, and also as a tool for in-service training, where teachers use new skills and methods and sharpen their analytical abilities. Therefore, it is important to do a research entitled ?Analysis of EFL Junior High School Teachers? Understanding on CAR; A case study in Bondowoso?.
In this research, the problem is ?how do the EFL Junior High School teachers? understanding on CAR in Bondowoso?? and ?what are the factors the effect EFL junior high school teachers? understanding on CAR in Bondowoso??, the objective of this research referring to the research problem is to know what the factors that effect the EFL junior high school teachers? understanding on CAR. Based on the research problem and the relevant theory, the hypothesis in this research is formulated as teachers? understanding on CAR and the factors that effect teachers? understanding on CAR.
This research is mixed methods, which attempts to know the teachers understanding on CAR and the factors that effect teachers' understanding on CAR. The research subject is the EFL junior high school teachers at Bondowso of 6 teachers. The data are collected using score of teachers that the writer gets from the teacher and the instrument adopted from quantitative data and qualitative data use sequential explanatory strategy by (Creswell, 2010, pp. 316-318).
Based on the result by using Average of Microsoft Excel Program and this value is average=65. The highest score is 80 and the lowest score is 50.
Based on the findings and discussion, it can be concluded that understanding of EFL junior high school teachers in bondowoso on CAR was categorized as fair. The condition was affected by several categorized factors i.e., the first categorized factors were teachers who achieved above average score or had a good understanding on CAR and the second categorized factors were teachers who had adequate competency on CAR. Both of those factors have differences that affect teachers' understanding of CAR. The teachers who actively always have self-motivation to improve their learning strategy, have good environment, and also have motivation or driving from their students to improve their strategies.