Hubungan Keteraturan Mengikuti Program Posyandu Balita dengan Persepsi Ibu Tentang Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan di Puskesmas Semboro
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Aprillia, Indri
362 Social Welfare, Problems and Services 
2019-10-19 01:51:07 
Abstract :
Growth and development in infants require stimulation. Stimulation of growth and development is an activity designed a basic ability baby so the baby can grow and develop optimally. Every baby should receive regular stimulation as early as possible and continuously at every opportunity. Stimulation can be obtained as by following the Posyandu toddler program. This study used cross sectional design that aims to analyze the relationship of order following the Posyandu toddler program with maternal perception of infant growth stimulation in Puskesmas Semboro. The population of this research is all mothers with babies aged 6 months. Total population in this study were 39 respondents. The sampling technique using probability sampling (simple random sampling). The instrument used was questionnaire. Results showed 36 respondents (92.3%) regularly follow the program Posyandu toddler and 3 respondents did not regularly follow the Posyandu toddler program. Of the 37 respondents (94.9%) mothers perception about proper infant growth stimulation and 2 respondents (5.1%) mother's perception about infant growth stimulation is less precise. The results of test analysis using Fisher exact test (? = 0.05) showed pvalue = 0.004 where p <0.05, which means that there is a relationship between order following the Posyandu toddler program with maternal perception of infant growth stimulation. Suggestion of this research is important for the baby's mother had come to Posyandu toddler every month and the volunteer health workers to maintain and improve education about the stimulation of growth and development. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember