Strategies Used by Eanglish Teacher to Teach Vocabulary
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
Putri aulia nita, Putri
407 Education, Research & Related Topics 
2021-05-10 01:18:33 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Nita, Putri A. 2021. Strategies used by English teacher to teach Vocabulary at SMP/MTs in Balung Jember. Thesis, English Education Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education of Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember. Advisor: (1) Fitrotul Mufaridah, M.Pd (2) Kristi Nuraini, M.Pd. Keyword: Teaching Strategies, Vocabulary. Vocabulary is an important part of learning a language, junior high school teachers in Balung Jember apply vocabulary strategies in teaching English so that students learn effectively. If teachers do not use strategies in their teaching, they will be able to teach effectively. Therefore, it is important to have a research entitled ?Strategies Used by English Teacher to Teach Vocabulary? . The problem was (1) What are the strategies used by teacher in teaching English Vocabulary ? (2) What are the obstacles faced by the teacher in implementing the strategies in teaching English vocabulary ? This research problems were formulated to find out the strategies and obstacles of teachers in teaching vocabulary. This research used descriptive qualitative method with the respondents were 11 English teachers. 3 teachers from SMPN 1 Balung, 2 teachers from MTs Baitul Arqom Balung, 2 teachers from MTs Wahid Hasyim Balung, 4 teachers from SMP Ash Shiddiqi Balung. The data was colleected by using natural setting about teachers strategies to teach vocabulary. 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember