Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kemudahan, dan Kualitas Informasi terhadap Keputusan Pembelian (Studi pada Pengguna Media Sosial Instagram pada Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Angkatan 2017)
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Universitas Mulawarman
Hidayani, Nur
Fikry Aransyah, Muhammad
Trust, Ease, Quality of Information, Purchasing Decisions, Student Users of Social Media Instagram 
2022-11-02 01:38:28 
Abstract :
Nur Hidayani 2021. ?The Influence of Trust, Ease, and Quality of Information on Purchasing Decisions (Study of Instagram Social Media Users in Communication Science Student Class of 2017)? supervised by Mr. Muhammad Fikry, M.BA., BBA as supervisor. This reasearch aims to determine the effect of trust, ease and quality of information on purchasing decisions on Instagram social media users in the scope of communication science students class of 2017. This type of research uses quantitative with descriptive approach. The number of samples as many as 50 people. Sampling technique is purposive sampling. Data collection instruments in the form of questionnaires with a likert scale, scale indexes 1 - 4. Data analysis techniques are performed with R2 Test, T Test and F Test. The results of the study concluded that: (1) Partially variable trust and quality of information significantly influenced the purchasing decision on social media Instagram users student of Communication Science Class 2017, while the variable ease had no effect. (2) Simultaneously the trust, ease and quality of information affect the purchasing decision on social media Instagram users students of Communication Science Class 2017. The amount of influence reaches 39.6%. 

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Universitas Mulawarman