The Effect Listening Songs to Enrich Students' Vocabulary At Tenth Grade Of SMAN 7 Kediri
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Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri
Paputungan, Ade Puspita Larasati
742 English language and literature education 
2023-09-27 11:11:41 
Abstract :
The background of this research is based on the researcher?s observationsand experience. This study about to enrich students vocabularies. Vocabulary is crucial to master by high school students, because the more words they know, the more they are able to comprehend what they hear or read and to communicate their thoughts and feelings. Sometimes students have difficulty mastering some vocabulary in English, such as: synonyms and antonyms because of the lack of mastery of the students' vocabulary so it is difficult to get the right answer. In teaching vocabulary, the teacher has to use better methods such as listening to English song technique to make students interested in learning vocabulary because songs are one of the most interested and rich resources of vocabulary that can easily be used in language classrooms to make the stdents get more ideas from the songs they hear. The probems that will be studied in the research are stated ?How is students? vocabulary before being taught using songs as the media of teaching listening?? and ?how students? cocabuary after being taught using songs as the media of teaching listening? To know whether there has been progress from before being taught using this method and after being taught. This is quanitative exoerimental research. The sample of this research is the X MIPA 5 of SMAN 7 KEDIRI consist of 15 students. The instrument that are used are test. The test is given to know the students? mastering vocabulary before being taught by listening to English song which are in the form of pretest and after being taught by listening to eglish song which are in the form of post-test.The result of this research is that teaching to teaching learning to English song has significant effect on the student. 
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Universitas Nusantara PGRI Kediri