The Liberal Feminism As Reflected In Meghan Elizabeth Trainor's Song Lyrics Of "Ain't Your Mama, Dear Future Husband, And No"
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Universitas Darma Persada
Ines Nur, Irawan
820 English Literatures/Kesusastraan Inggris 
2010-01-02 23:27:14 
Abstract :
This term paper discusses about a literary work. The analyzed problem is liberal feminism on Meghan Elizabeth Trainor?s song lyrics. It is analyzed by using intrinsic and extrinsic approach. Through the intrinsic approach, the concept applied is: poetic diction which includes general meaning, particular meaning, theme, point of view, etc.; and for the extrinsic approach, the concepts is: liberal feminism. This term paper is variety of qualitative research, types of library research, interpretative analysis using the method by collecting data in the form of literary texts from the the song lyrics Ain?t Your Mama, Dear Future Husband, and No by Meghan Elizabeth Trainor as the primary source and is supported by some of the literatures that relate to the theories, concepts and the relevant definition as the secondary sources. Keywords: Meghan Elizabeth Trainor, Liberal feminism, Poetic diction. Skripsi ini membahas tema karya sastra berupa lirik lagu, masalah yang akan dianalisis adalah feminisme liberal pada lirik lagu Meghan Elizabeth Trainor dengan menggunakan pendekatan intrinsik dan ekstrinsik. Melalui pendekatan intrinsik diterapkan konsep: diksi puisi yang termaksud general meaning, particular meaning, theme, point of view, dst.; dan untuk pendekatan ekstrinsik digunakan konsep: feminisme liberal. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian ragam kualitatif, jenis penelitian kepustakaan, sifatnya interpretative/ analisis dengan metode penggumpulan data berupa teks karya sastra dari lirik lagu yang berjudul ?Ain?t Your Mama, Dear Future Husband, dan No? oleh Meghan Elizabeth Trainor. Sebagai sumber primer dan didukung oleh beberapa literature yang terkait dengan teori, konsep dan definisi yang relevan sebagai sumber sekunder. Kata kunci: Meghan Elizabeth Trainor, Feminisme liberal, Diksi Puisi.. 
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Universitas Darma Persada