Abstract :
This research aims to describe students' ability in developing a topic sentence into descriptive paragraph at the fourth semester of English Education Study Program. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive research. The subjects are the fourth semester students of English Education Study Program who enrolled in Writing II subject which consists of 15 students. The data are gained from writing test. To analyze the data, the researcher uses analytic scoring and scoring profile by Jacobs et al (1981). There are five aspects of writing that evaluated namely content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanics. The findings show that the students are categorized into excellent to very good in mechanics aspect because only few students who still made some errors in capitalization, spelling, and punctuation. However, more than half students are categorized as fair to poor ability in aspect of content, organization, vocabulary, and language use. The main problems faced by the students are inadequate development of topic and lacks detail in the substance of writing, lacks logical using to be, tenses, pronoun, structure, and word order. Based on this jesult, it can be concluded that the students' ability in writing descriptive paragraph is fair to poor in four aspect of writing namely content, organization, vocabulary, and language use.