Abstract :
The objective of this research is to describe the process of implementing Dictogloss technique in teaching writing and to see students' achievement after learning writing through Dictogloss technique. The method uses in the research is qualitative descriptive method. Source of the data for this research is the eleventh grade students at SMAN I Mori Atas. The class consists of 20 students. The data are taken from students' activity in writing narrative text by using dictogloss technique.
The result of this study shows that the students are interested in writing narrative text by using Dictogloss technique. They can practice their writing frequently in the classroom through different ways. During the teaching and learning process, they also show positive responses towards the lesson. Based on the data, the students mean score is also improved. Students' score in the pre-test is 61,5, while n the post test increased to 79,5. The gain score of the mean scores from the pre-test to the post test is 18.