Abstract :
The appearance of language pronunciation interference is usually influenced by an individual?s accent. The purpose of this research is to find out Napunese accent interference and causal factors interference in pronouncing English pure vowel sounds at SMA Negeri 1 Lore Utara. Design of this research is descriptive qualitative. The instruments of this research are observation, interview and documentation. Data are gained by the result of recording and interview.The researcher use three short English text as instrument for the students? pronunciation practice. To analyze the data, the researcher use theories from Kelly (2000) about pure vowel sounds and Weinrich (1979) about factors causing phonological interference.
The findings of this research shows that all of 5 Napunese students in eleventh grade students of social science A at SMA Negeri 1 Lore Utara do the interference in pronouncing English pure vowel sounds. The Napunese students mostly pronounced the English words in written form. Furthermore, the Napunese students pronounced English words did not complete. The vowel sounds that interference in students? pronunciation are vowel sounds /e/, /?/, /I/, /?/, /u/, /?/, /o/ and /?/. While causal factors of Napunese students? interference in pronouncing English vowel sounds are Absence of corresponding distinctions in primary languages, Different phonemic systems, Different pronunciation of equivalent phonemes, Napunese students accent is strong/ heavy accent, the environment, and the lack of knowledge.