Abstract :
This study aims to describe teachers? technique in assessing English students? performance. This study uses descriptive qualitative method. The research was conducted at SMAN 1 Poso Kota Utara. The subjects were two English teachers. The data were collected through observation, interviews and documents. The data than analyzed descriptively, particularly, using the phases by Miles and Huberman.
The results obtained that the WD teachers used six techniques in assessing students? performance that include in types of assessments that was informal, formal, and formative assessment types. First, asking students directly when the learning process is taking place regarding the material. Second, asking students about the materials they have learned. Third, the teacher creates a questions and answer session in which the points of the questions have been prepared by the teacher. Fourth, asking students to give orally ideas related to the material. Fifth, assign task to students to make video conversations in pairs or in groups. Sixth, the teacher gives essay tests to students. Meanwhile, the other teacher, LS, uses two assessment types, namely informal and formal assessment types. The techniques used were the teacher always asks questions spontaneously to students. Second, ask students to describe the material they have got in brief. Third, the teacher makes a questions and answer session to see the level of students' understanding of the material. The last was asking students to share their opinions on the material.