Abstract :
The objective of the research is to find out the similarities and differences level of the question in the English textbook English Lesson 3 and Think Globally Act Locally for Junior High School. This research is conducted from April until May 2020. The sources of data are English Lesson 3 Textbook published by Darussalam Gontor and Think Globally Act Locally published by Ministry of Education and Culture. In collecting the data, the researcher uses documentation. The findings of this research are the similarities and differences in the level of questions based on the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. The questions levels in this research are divided into 3. Firstly, the Function of question, the researcher finds the similarity from both of the books is in Diagnostic section, whereas the difference is, in English Lesson 3 does not contain Instructional and Motivational sections. Secondly, the Role of the question, the researcher finds that both of the books have similarities in the field of low-level questions, while the differences are in the English Lesson 3 places on levels 1 and 2, while Think Globally Act Locally places on level 3 of low-level questions. Thirdly, Bloom's Taxonomy, the researcher finds that in English Lesson 3, there are 85 questions include in level 1 (understand) and 2 (remember), while in Think Globally Act Locally, there are 42 questions include in level 3 (apply).