Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
JANNAH, Herna Maghfira Raudhatul
M62 Marine biology
2021-08-13 03:37:23
Abstract :
Ceriops tagal is a major mangrove species that plays an important role in the mangrove ecosystem. Ceriops tagal is one type of mangrove that has benefits for various marine organisms such as fish, shrimp, nematodes, etc also can maintains the stability of the mangrove ecosystem. In rehabilitation, it is necessary to have a nursery. Nursery media is an important factor for producing high quality seeds. The addition of husk and husk charcoal to the nursery media can increase the absorption space for water, air and plant nutrients. research aims to (1) determine the effect of differences in nursery media with a mixture of husk and husk charcoal on mud media; (2) determine which nursery media has the best effect on biomass and chlorophyll content of C. tagal mangroves. This research started from planting the propagules of C. tagal in different composition growing media with addition of husk and husk charcoal then calculated with ANOVA test 5% and 1% of the biomass in root, stem, leaves and hypocotyl also clorophyll content in leaves of C. tagal organ. Then proceed with the honest significant value test 5% for the wet biomass of root, dry biomass of stem, root, and wet also dry biomass hypocotyl of C. tagal.
The result of research obtained that modification of nursery media with husk and husk charcoal can increased dry biomass of root and stem also wet and dry biomass of hypocotyle in C. tagal organs. The media best media forincrease the biomass of the C. tagal in each organ was media 5 (composed of mud + husk charcoal in ratio 2:1) and media 6 (composed of mud + husk + husk charcoal in ratio 1:1:1) thus, the other media were not able to increase it significantly. The increasing dry biomass of root and stem also wet and dry biomass of hypocotyle also affected by environmental factors such as pH content in the medium.