Economic Efficiency and Return To Scale Of Muffler Industry In Purbalingga
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
M45 Manufacturing industries 
2019-12-12 04:07:28 
Abstract :
This research entitled Economic Efficiency and Return To Scale Of Muffler Industry In Purbalingga. The purpose of this research was to analyze the level of economic efficiency industrial muffler in Purbalingga and analyze scale production on an industrial muffler Purbalingga, this research was limited variable raw materials, capital and labor are used as output costs on industrial muffler and to measure whether industrial muffler Purbalingga already Efficient. Respondents in this research are some of the muffler based industry entrepreneurs till. The number of respondents in this research were 51 employers muffler industry. The analytical method used is the approach to the analysis and cost is the ratio between the total receipts (Total Revenue) with Total Cost (Total Cost), R / C and calculation of Return to Scale. Based on the research and analysis of the data shows that businesses have efficient muffler because the value of R / C ratio> 1. R / C ratio showed receipts received for each rupiah spent for production activities. From the results of analysis show that the return to scale production muffler Purbalingga through the summation of each independent variable coefficients. Scale production of muffler is equal to 1.144. Based on these results, the rate of return to scale more than one meaning in a state of increasing returns to scale. 
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman