Brown & Levinson’s Positive Politeness Strategies Used By Chris Rock In Tamborine Stand-Up Comedy Show
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
PRATAMA, Hizkia Satya
C589 Comedy 
2021-10-28 08:26:29 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Pratama, Hizkia Satya. 2021. Brown & Levinson?s Positive Politeness Strategies Used by Chris Rock in Tamborine Stand-up Comedy Show. Thesis. Supervisor 1 : R. Pujo Handoyo, SS, M.Hum. Supervisor 2 : Ika Maratus Sholikah, SS., MA. Examiner : Dr. Chusni Hadiati S.S., M.Hum. Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Jenderal Soedirman University, Faculty of Humanities, English Department, English Literature Study Program, Purwokerto. The research entitled Brown & Levinson?s Positive Politeness Strategies Used by Chris Rock in Tamborine Stand-up Comedy Show is aimed to discover the types of positive politeness strategy and to find out the purposes of those strategies used by Chris Rock in his stand-up comedy show. The research is conducted by using descriptive qualitative method. Total sampling technique is applied to determine the samples. The data of this research are the premises containing positive politeness strategies. The result shows that Chris Rock uses seven out of fifteen sub-types of positive politeness strategies proposed by Brown and Levinson (1987). Those sub-types are 4.5% of Notice, Attend to Hearer; 4.5% of Intensify Interest to the Hearer; 31% of Use In-group Identity Markers; 4.5% of Avoid Disagreement; 40% of Presuppose to Raise or Assert Common Ground; 9% of Joke; and 4.5% of Give Gifts to the Hearer in the Form of Goods, Sympathy, Understanding, or Cooperation. Presuppose to Raise or Assert Common Ground becomes the most frequently used sub-types because the majority of his materials are very sensitive which attacks the audience?s positive face. Meanwhile, it is found that there are three purposes of doing the positive politeness strategy in Tamborine. First purpose is called Connecting with Audience that is used to help Chris to stay connected with the audience. Second, by applying a positive politeness strategy, Chris can create amusement that makes the audience at ease when discussing sensitive materials. Lastly, the strategy known as Creating Solidarity enables him to maintain solidarity with the audience. From the result, it can be concluded that Chris Rock uses extensive positive politeness strategies in order to avoid doing the face-threatening act by raising and asserting common ground in his premises with the audienence. For further research, other researchers are expected to conduct an analysis on the use of positive politeness in different objects such as movies or TV series in order to obtain diverse results. Keywords : Pragmatics, Positive Politeness Strategies, Stand-up comedy. 
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman