Analisis Perbandingan Pendapatan Petani Padi Penjual Gabah dan Petani Padi Penjual Beras di Desa Kapandayan Kecamatan Ciawigebang Kabupaten Kuningan
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
ROSYANDI, Adi Nurfadilah
I60 Income 
2019-10-28 08:32:12 
Abstract :
This Research is about the comparison of income between farmers selling Grains and farmers selling rice. This research entitled: "Comparative Analysis Of Farmers Income Selling Grains And Farmers Income Selling Rice at Kapandayan Village Ciawigebang Subdistrict Kuningan Regency ". The purpose of this research are to compare the income and the efficiency of farmers selling Grains and farmers selling rice and analyze the value added. Based on the results of research and analysis of the data using Profit, independent t-test, Hayami methode and R/C Ratio showed that the farmers selling rice have a higher income than the farmers selling grain with a significance level of 0.000 (0.000 < ?, 0.05). Then Hayami methode show that there is a positive value added amounting to Rp786 / kg, where 86% of added value received by farmers and the 14% received by direct labour. Meanwhile the analysis R/C ratio showed that farmers selling Grains and farmers selling rice already economically efficient (R/C > 1), each value of R/C ratio is 1.57 and 1.68. The implications of this research are rice farmers keep on to improve the efficiency, especially in the labor costs where can Minimize the cost using modern technology such as automatic grass cutter, automatic fertilizer sprayer, etc. Then the farmers start selling their products in the form of rice because the income is earned by selling rice higher than selling grain, farmers selling rice can sell their products directly to consumers, then minimize the dependency on middlemen. 
Institution Info

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman