Factos Affecting Participation of Fishermen's Children To Continue School In Tegalkamulyan Sub-District, Cilacap Selatan District, Cilacap Regency
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
FERDIAN, Harnanditya Rexy
C281 Childrens 
2021-12-17 02:12:44 
Abstract :
This research is entitled "Factors Affecting the Participation of Fisherman's Children to Continue School in Tegalkamulyan Sub-District, Cilacap Selatan District, Cilacap Regency". The purposes of this study are (1) to analyze the effect of parents' income level, number of dependents of parents' family, parents' education level, and children's learning ability in Tegalkamulyan Sub-District (2) to analyze the variables that have the most influence on the participation of fishermen's children to continue their education in Kelurahan Tegalkamulyan. Tegalkamulyan. The method used in this research is using questionnaires and interviews. The data analysis technique used is logistic analysis. The number of respondents consisted of 100 children of fishermen in Tegalkamulyan Sub-District. Based on the results of existing research, it shows that the variables of parents' income levels, number of dependents of parents' families, parents' education level, and children's learning abilities together have a positive and significant effect on the participation of fishermen's children to continue school in Tegalkamulyan Sub-District. Meanwhile, the results of the partial analysis show that the number of family dependents of parents, parents' education level, and children's learning abilities have a positive and significant effect. For the variable of the income level of parents, partially it does not have a significant effect on the participation of fishermen's children to continue school in Tegalkamulyan Sub-District. 
Institution Info

Universitas Jenderal Soedirman