The Impact of Organizational Culture on Employee’s Job Performance and Job Commitment Using Motivation Asmediating Variable (The Study On Employee’s In Papua New Guinea)
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman
DUWIT, Winnierose
O146 Organizational behavior 
2019-10-30 08:13:13 
Abstract :
The aim of this research entitled ?The impact of Organizational Culture onemployee?s Job Performance and Job Commitment using Motivation as a Mediator??is to find out if Organizational Culture has impact on employee?s Job Performanceand Job Commitment and to know if Motivation mediates the effect of there lationship between Organizational Culture and employee?s Job performance and Organizational Culture and Job commitment. This research is a quantitative research using survey method of questionnaire for data collection. The questionnaire was sent to the management of COVEC (PNG)Ltd by email and then was printed and given to employees to fill in and sent back to Indonesia for data analysis. A total of fifty employees of Goroka base constructionsite who participated as the respondents of this study. This study used SPSS 20 for data analysis and the finding indicated that Organizational Culture has positive impact on employee?s Job Performance and Job Commitment. The result also indicated that Motivation mediates the effect of therelationship between Organizational Culture and Job performance and Organizational Culture and job Commitment. However, the impact that Organizational culture has onboth dependent variables is not high or Organizational Culture does not has big impact on Job performance and Job Commitment of the employee?s of COVEC (PNG) Ltd .In Conclusion, there is need for Management of COVEC (PNG) Ltd to improvethe organizational culture specifically involvement trait so that it will have greater impact on the performance and commitment of the employees. 
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Universitas Jenderal Soedirman