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Universitas Sriwijaya
BOB SULISTIAN (STUDENT ID : 02012681721038)
Syarifuddin Pettanasse (LECTURER ID : 0014125402)
Nashriana Nashriana (LECTURER ID : 0018096509)
K5015.4-5350 Criminal law 
2019-10-09 08:34:43 
Abstract :
This thesis research is entitled Settlement of Criminal and Civil Cases in the Geschil Judicial Dispute, which in the background of the decision number 159 / Pid.B / 2015 / PN.Kag which stated that the accused Ricky Irawan and H. Ahmad (Dpo) were found guilty of theft of pipes Pertamina's ex-old metal owned by Pertamina, even though the owner was H. Ahmad, in accordance with the civil decision Number 390 / Pid.B / 2014 / PN.Kag (where Ricky as the employee of H.Ahmad who was assigned to collect old iron pipes ex Dutch ) Based on the aforementioned background, it can cause problems as follows: 1. What is the rationale for the Judge to apply Prejudicieel geschil in examining criminal cases in which there are civil elements. is there a civil element? 2. What are the legal consequences if the Judge does not apply Prejudicieel geschil in examining criminal cases in which there is a civil element.3. What is the future arrangement for Prejudicieel geschil? These three problems are examined using empirical juridical methods. The theory used by Grand Theory in this thesis research is Middle Range Theory's theory of law in this thesis research is Law Enforcement theory, Applied Theory in this thesis research is theory of criminal justice System. The results of this study lead to the following conclusions: 1. Judge considerations apply Prejudicieel geschil in examining criminal cases in which there is a civil element if the case concerns a prejudice action. 2. Legal consequences if the Judge does not apply Prejudicieel geschil in examining criminal cases in which there is a civil element, it will injure justice that is legal but not guilty. 3. Prejudicieel geschil arrangements in the future if in a case there are criminal or civil elements, the judge is obliged to postpone the criminal examination while waiting for the civil decision so that there is no mistake or error as the decision of the Kayuagung court Number 159 / Pid.B / 2015 / PN. Kag on behalf of the accused Ricky Irawan. In the decision Number 159 / Pid.B / 2015 / PN. Kag punishes the defendant Ricky Irawan guilty of theft of the old iron pipe Ex Pertamina Netherlands, while the decision number 3 / Pdt.G / 2015 / PN. PBN stated that the old iron pipe from Ex Pertamina Netherlands belongs to the defendant 
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Universitas Sriwijaya