Universitas Sriwijaya
AKANG BUNAYA (STUDENT ID : 05071181419025)
Agus Hermawan (LECTURER ID : 0029086801)
Adipati Napoleon (LECTURER ID : 0021046202)
S1-(972) Agriculture (General)
2019-10-22 02:20:48
Abstract :
This research aims to study role of vermicompost fly ash on soil chemical Character of Ultisol on growth and production of red spinach (Amaranthus tricolor L.). This research was conducted at experimental garden Faculty of Agriculture Sriwijaya University and analysis of soil has been done in Laboratory of Biology, Chemistry an Soil Fertiliy Faculty of Agriculture Sriwijaya University. This research started from October until December 2017. The study was arranged according to Group Randomized Design with six treatments and four replications. Therefore, there are 24 experimental units. The treatments consisted of P0 (Control), P1 (Vermicompost 0% and inorganic fertilizer 100%), P2 (Vermicompost 25% and inorganic fertilizer 75%), P3 (Vermicompost 50% and inorganic fertilizer 50%), P4 (Vermicompost 75% and inorganic fertilizer 25%), P5 (Vermicompost 100% and inorganic fertilizer 0%). The result showed that the combination of vermicompost with ameliorant fly ash and inorganic fertilizer gave significant effect on treatment P4 for plant height and fresh weight but did not show a signifficant effect on dry weight and chlorophyll.