Universitas Sriwijaya
Raysa Desti Andia (STUDENT ID : 07011181319012)
Ardiyan Saptawan (LECTURER ID : 0017116502)
Nengyanti Nengyanti (LECTURER ID : 0012046702)
JK1-9993 Political institutions and public administration (United States)
2019-10-22 07:04:03
Abstract :
In order to improve the public heolth status, the muara enim district governmentissued a decree of the head service number 042 of 2015 concerning the service guidelines for efforts to improve nutrition in the Kelekar Health Centers as a follow up policy from regulation number 23 of 2014 concerning efforts to improve nutrition, through increasing life expectancy, decreose in maternql and infant mortality, increase in nutritionsl status and decrease in mordibity and mortality due to infectious diseases or non-communicable diseases. However, in Muara Enim district the number of malnourished children is still high, especially in subdistrict Kelelmr with a precentage of 11,2% of toddlers with 78 toddlers, so this study aims to determine the performonce of the factors that injluence implementqtian. This research uses descriptive qualitative method and supported by quantitative methods. The results of the study showed that the implementation of policies on the management of nutritional education wos still low that only 23%. The performance is inJluenced by several aspects that hqve not been implemented bosed on the policy, namely coordination between the Kelekar health centers and the kelelmr subdistrict government involved is not in accordance with the stages, the competency of the implementor policies is lacking because it does not come from nutritional education. And the influence af external factors, namely low the level of people income, low community supports and helqth problems that have not become o government priority. In order to implementing public policy, it should be equipped with standard operating procedures so that work can be carried out ffictively, and there are clear policy targets and can be a reference in implementing the policy decision of head of the Muara Enim District Health office number 042 of 2AI5 concerning service guidelines for efforts to improve nutrition in health centers.