Universitas Sriwijaya
Marsi Marsi (LECTURER ID : 0014075910)
Agus Hermawan (LECTURER ID : 0029086801)
S1-(972) Agriculture (General)
2019-10-30 07:49:18
Abstract :
This study aims to learn the effect and the best dosage of empty oil palm bunches compost in increasing the uptake of P corn and the availability of P and plant growth of corn on Ultisol. This research was conducted at house of Soil Department, Laboratory of Chemistry, Biology, and Soil Fertility, Soil Science Majors, Faculty of Agriculture, Sriwijaya University. This research was conducted August until December 2016. The study was arranged according to Completely Randomized Design with six treatments and three replications, so there are 18 units of soil combination and given compost treatment that is : P0= control, P1= compost 5 ton ha-1, P2= compost 10 ton ha-1, P3= compost 15 ton ha-1, P4= compost 20 ton ha-1, P5= 25 ton ha-1. The result show that the application of empty oil palm bunches have a real impact on the variable of soil P availability, the tall of corn age 35 HST, 42 HST, 49 HST, corn dry weight and P uptake of corn. The compost treatment of empty oil palm bunches 25 ton ha-1 became the best treatment of all observed variables.