Universitas Sriwijaya
Susanto, Robiyanto Hendro
Momon Sodik Imanudin (LECTURER ID : 0031107101)
S589.7 Agricultural ecology (General)
2019-11-21 06:41:05
Abstract :
Tidal land is marginal land. The Tidal land is potensially as a national barns. The potential of tidal land this should be utilized so it is need to do water management system because the main problem of tidal land a water system is worst. Water management system is the key of success of farming in tidal land. The purposes of this reasearch are studying of the water system and productivity of corn in secondary block P17-2N Delta Telang II, Telang Sari, Tanjung Lago Sub-district, Banyuasin District, South Sumatra Province. The research use a descriptive survey method with a land area of 128 Ha. The Parameter is observed are the conditions of water system, activity farmhand, and soil physics (hydraulic conductivity and soil texture). The results of this research showed that the secondary canal has been silting up by sedimentation causes often flooded land, gross tertiary canal conditions and weeds cause the circulation of water in the washing process is inhibited and farm land disturbed. Productivity of corn is low because farm land often flooded and dry season in 2015 is impacted in salt water fill into the farm land and disrupt the process of the growth of corns plant. The increase a productivity of corn in P17-2N Telang Sari Village needs to be dredged sediment in secondary canal and tertiary canal door repair so that farm land is not often flooded.