Universitas Sriwijaya
SOLNA SOLNA (STUDENT ID : 05071181621020)
Marlina Marlina (LECTURER ID : 0021066101)
Teguh Achadi (LECTURER ID : 0028105706)
S1-(972) Agriculture (General)
2020-12-23 06:58:06
Abstract :
SOLNA. Response of Rubber PB 260 Clone Budgrafting to Liquid Organic Fertilizer Made of Cane Tip Shoot. (Supervised by MARLINA and TEGUH ACHADI).
Rubber plant are plantations that have great potential in Indonesia because they are included as one of the perenial crop commodities that play an important role in the community's economy and are a source of large income for the country's foreign exchange. In cultivating rubber plants, especially during the nursery period, needs fertilization, because it can accelerate growth and provide additional nutrients for plants. The study was aims to determine the response of budgrafting rubber seedlings from to liquid organic fertilizer made of cane tip shoots. This research had been carried out in the village of Ulak Bedil (104º42`42,51528'E: -3º14'27,90924 "S) Indralaya District, Ogan Ilir, South Sumatra. The plants used in this study were of rubber of budgrafting that was 4 months old. The research began in November 2019 until March 2020. This study used a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with six treatments and three replications and Each treatment contained 3 plants. Total number are 6x3x3 which are 54 experimental units. The treatment used was A = 5 grams of NPK pearl 16: 16: 16 plant-1, B = 100 m? LOF Siwid plant-1, C50 = 50 m? LOF of cane tip shoot plants-1, C100 = 100 m? LOF of cane tip shoot plants-1, C150 = 150 m? LOF of cane tip shoot plants-1, C200 = 200 m? LOF of cane tip shoot plants-1. The results showed that the treatment of liquid organic fertilizer made of cane tip shoot significantly affected the stem diameter. The treatment of liquid organic fertilizer made of cane tip shoots has no significant effect on shoot growth time, shoot growth, the number of leaf stalks, the number of leaves, shoot height, and the leaf content. C50 treatment (50 m? of cane tip shoot plants-1) gave relatively better results on the growth of rubber budgrafting.
Key words: Rubber From Budgrafting, PB 260 Clone, POC made of cane tip shoot.