Universitas Sriwijaya
Purba, Imelda Gernauli
TD1-1066 Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering
2024-03-26 04:40:04
Abstract :
Maternal behavior in handling pesticides that is not good and correct can have an
impact on the risk of pesticide exposure to children. Determinants of maternal
behavior in handling the risk of pesticide exposure to children include, among
other things, age, level of education, knowledge, attitudes, the role of agricultural
services, as well as maternal behavior in handling the risk of pesticide exposure
to children. This study aims to analyze the determinants of maternal behavior in
managing the risk of pesticide exposure to children in Dempo Selatan District.
This research includes quantitative observational research with a cross sectional
study design. The sample for this research was taken using a purposive sampling
technique, totaling 120 respondents, where the sample was selected based on
inclusion criteria, namely mothers who work as farmers, have children under five
(1-5 years) and children (5-9 years) (( Ministry of Health, 2023) and have ever
used or handled pesticides. The analysis was carried out in stages, namely
univariate analysis, followed by bivariate analysis for the chi-square test then
multivariate analysis with multiple logistic regression using a prediction model
approach. The results showed a significant relationship between age (p-value
=0.020 OR=2.797;95%), level of education (p-value=0.000 OR=5.541;95%),
knowledge (p-value=0.038 OR=2.647;95%), attitude (p-value=0.000 OR=
Conclusion In this research, there is a significant relationship between age, level
of education, knowledge, attitudes, and maternal behavior in handling the risk of
pesticide exposure to children. After being controlled by the age variable, it is
believed that the most dominant maternal behavior is attitude.