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Universitas Tadulako
2023-02-01 06:35:52 
Abstract :
ABSTRACT Upland rice is one of the rice plants that can be planted on dry land. Dry land has little water availability so upland rice planted in dry land must be drought tolerant (Purwono and Purwanti, 2007; Rahayu and Harjoso, 2010). Changes in morphological and physiological characters are indicators that can show drought tolerance. . Morphological characters are the shape and structure of the plant body that is shown in the face of stress. Physiological characters are all activities that occur in the plant body, including against drought stress. Drought is one of the main constraints in rice production because it can decrease the number of filled grains This study aims to examine the character and morphology of the uva cultivar upland rice plant at different soil moisture levels. This research was conducted at the Green House, Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Palu. From September 2018 to January 2019. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with one factor, namely the condition of field capacity (KL) which consisted of 4 treatment levels, namely field capacity (C0) (as control), 85% field capacity (C1), 70% field capacity (C2), 55% field capacity (C3). Each treatment was repeated 6 times, so there were 24 experimental units. Each experimental unit represents 1 bucket and each bucket contains 2 plants, thus a total of 48 plants. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that at 55% the soil moisture level resulted in a decrease in plant height at the age of 10 MSP, the number of tillers at 12 MSP, the percentage of filled / pithy grain, the percentage of empty grain, the relative water content of leaves, and the chlorophyll content of upland rice leaves. localUva cultivar. ABSTRAK Padi gogo merupakan salah satu tanaman padi yang dapat ditanam pada lahan kering. Lahan kering mempunyai ketersediaan air yang sedikit sehingga padi gogo yang ditanam di lahan kering harus mempunyai sifat toleran terhadap kekeringan,Perubahan karakter morfologi dan fisiologi merupakan salah satu indikator yang dapat menunjukan toleransi terhadap kekeringan. Karakter morfologi merupakan bentuk dan susunan tubuh tumbuhan yang ditampakan dalam menghadapi cekaman. Karakter fisiologis merupakan semua aktifitas yang terjadi didalam tubuh tumbuhan antara lain terhadap cekaman kekeringan. Kekeringan merupakan salah satu pembatas utama dalam produksi padi karena dapat menurun jumlah gabah isi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karakter dan morfologi tanaman padi gogo lokar kultivar uva pada tingkat kelengasan tanah berbeda. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Green House, Fakultas pertanian Universitas Tadulako, Palu. Mulai September 2018 Sampai Januari 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) satu factor yaitu kondisi kapasitas lapang (KL) yang terdiri atas 4 taraf perlakuan yaitu kapasitas lapang (C0) (sebagai control), 85% kapasitas lapang (C1), 70% kapasitas lapang (C2), 55% kapasitas lapang (C3). Setiap perlakuan di ulang sebanyak 6 kali, sehingga terdapat 24 unit percobaan. Setiap unit percobaan di wakili 1 ember dan setiap ember terdapat 2 tanaman, dengan demikian seluruhnya 48 tanaman. Berdasarkan hasil penilitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada 55% tingkat kelengasan tanah mengakibatkan penurunan terhadap tinggi tanaman pada umur 10 MSP, jumlah anakan pada umur 12 MSP, persentase gabah berisi/bernas, persentase gabah hampa, kandungan air nisbi daun, dan kandungan klorofil daun padi gogo lokal lultivar Uva.  

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Universitas Tadulako