Penggunaan Teknik Scaffolding untuk meningkatkan kemampuan menulis Siswa Dalam Teks Recounting Pada Kelas 10 Di MA Al-Khairaat Pusat Palu
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Universitas Tadulako
English Language Education 
2020-02-13 06:35:52 
Abstract :
Rif’ah Zakhiyah (2019). This skripsi entitled “The Use of Scaffolding Technique to Improve Students’ Writing Skill of Recount Text at the Tenth Grade of MA Al-Khairaat Pusat Palu”. Skripsi, English Education Study Program, Language and Art Education Department, Tadulako University. It was under supervision of Jamiluddin and Abdul Waris. The objective of this research is to find out whether the use of scaffolding technique can improve students’ writing skill of recount text at the tenth grade of MA Al-Khairaat Pusat Palu. The researcher applied quasi experimental research. The research samples were X MIA 2 and X MIA 3 which consisted of 24 students each class. X MIA 2 was the control group and X MIA 3 was the experimental group. The technique of data collection was test. In analyzing the data, the researcher used 0.05 level significance and 46 degree of freedom (df). The tcounted score was 6.221 and t-table was 1.679. The value of t-counted was greater than t-table. Based on the result, the researcher concludes that the hypothesis was accepted. It means that the use of scaffolding technique is effective to improve students’ writing skill of recount text at the tenth grade of MA Al-Khairaat Pusat Palu.  

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Universitas Tadulako