Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Google Classroom Dalam Pembelajaran Di Prodi PPKn Universitas Tadulako
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Universitas Tadulako
Pancasila And Civics Education 
2020-02-13 06:35:52 
Abstract :
Marcko Steven Mosompo. 2019. Using Google Classroom Application in the Learning Activities at Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program at Tadulako University. Skripsi, Bachelor Degree Pancasila And Civic Education Study Program, Social science Education Departement, Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Tadulako Universitiy. Under the supervision of Alri Lande. The objectives of the resarch are to find out the use of google classroom aplication by the lectures and students in learning activities at introduction to education course. The main problem of this research is, ‘How is google classroom application used by the lecturers and students in the Introduction to Education course at Class B 2019 of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program, Tadulako University. This research used qualitative and descriptive methods. The techniques of data collected from students who took Introduction to Education course and the lectures who taught the course. The collected data were anlysed in percentage. The relults showed that the use of google classroom application is useful in learning activities in the Introduction to Education course at Class B 2019 of Pancasila an Civic Education Study Program, Tadulako University. It is indicated by the results of interviews with the lecturess and students who stated that google classroom is excellent and enables them in learning activities. However, there is a problem deals with internet networtk at campus and the use at the beginnings. The percentage results of questionnaires and observation are the beginnings. The percentage results of questionnaires and observation are 81,8 % and 87,6% under category excellent. It can be conclueded that google classroom is benefical in the learning activities in Introduction to education at class B of Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program of batch 2019, Tadulako University. Keywords : application, Learning activities, google classroom  

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