Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sunan Giri
Iin Widya Lestari (LECTURER ID : 0716118901)
Ainu Zumrudiana (LECTURER ID : 0722128605)
373 Pendidikan menengah; sekolah tingkat lanjutan
2022-10-25 02:17:20
Abstract :
Assessment is one aspect important in teaching. One of the teachers measure and assess how far is the ability student is through final English test . Study this aim for knowing questions based on High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) based on levels in Bloom 's Taxonomy and for knowing how manufacturing process question as well as how English teacher 's perception about HOTS questions in the 2013 curriculum . Method study using descriptive qualitative for analyze it . Researcher it uses analysis document, checklist column and interview guideline as instrument formulated research from Bloom 's taxonomy. Based on results research , part big researcher find that questions level down (LOTS) more dominant than questions level high (HOTS). Of the 40 questions that have been analyzed , found 25 questions with a level of remembering ( 62.5 %), there are 1 4 questions with level understanding ( 35 %), not found question with level applicability ( 0 %), not found question with level analysis ( 0 %), questions with evaluation level also not found ( 0 %), and 1 question with the create level (2.5%). Besides that , researcher find that question choice double no could used as reject measuring student HOTS ability based on level tall in Bloom 's Taxonomy and its implementation maximum result in results the end is not maximum .Teacher should add questions in form essay for Becomes reject measuring ability student in think level high .