Abstract :
This study aims to describe the process of applying duolingo in teaching the
simple present tense to 7th grade junior high school students in Surabaya and to
find out the students? perception of duolingo in teaching simple present tense for
7th grade junior high school students in Surabaya. This research uses a descriptive
qualitative research method. Sources of data were used, namely primary and
secondary. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and
documentation. The validity of the data was tested by using triangulation of sources
and techniques. The data is analyzed through several steps, namely reducing the
data, presenting the data in narrative form, and making conclusions. The results of
this study explain that the teacher applies the Duolingo application as a learning
medium by providing practice questions in Duolingo to determine students'
understanding of the simple present tense material. the teacher also gives
independent assignments/homework using the Duolingo application so that
students better understand the simple present tense material. Thus the results of the
study state that the application of the Duolingo application can facilitate students in
understanding the simple present tense material well, it is known that the student's
score increases after using the Duolingo application by 75-100. Students' perception
of using the Duolingo application is positive. Students are very interested in using
Duolingo because Duolingo is very easy and interesting to use. Students also agree
that duolingo can improve their understanding of the simple present tense.