Abstract :
This research focused on the slang expressions what is utterance by the main
characters in ?Good Boys? movie. The researcher discusses the types of slang
expressions, the functions of slang expressions and the reasons of slang expressions
in ?Good Boys? movie. An analysis between the theory and statement. The data of
this research are obtaining from the script of the ?Good Boys? movie. In this
research the researcher found three types of slang there are society slang, public
house and commerce slang. The method use in this research is descriptive
qualitative method. To analyze types of slang expressions, the researcher used Eric
Partridge theories and other relevant references slang and commerce slang. The
researcher found three functions of slang expressions there are emotive feeling,
achieving politeness and pursuit of self-identity. The researcher found also three
reasons of slang expressions utterance by the main characters in ?Good Boys?
movie. There are to persuade seriousness of a conversation, to amuse the superior
public and for ease of social intercourse. The researcher concludes that the most
types of slang expressions use is society slang. The researcher also concludes that
the most functions of slang expressions uttered or used by the main characters in
this movie are to show emotive feeling of the slang users and the most reasons used
by the main character in this movie is, to amuse the superior public. Besides that,
slang also provides evidence that there are other ways to make the communication
of slang users more effective, entertaining and interesting.