Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
L Education (General)
2023-04-05 04:48:00
Abstract :
The research focuses on the use of problem based learning for
encouraging Students to Speak English, this study will focus on the use of
problem based learning for encouraging students to Speak English
especially fluency on VIII B students at one of the private Junior High
School in Sumenep. The method used is the descriptive qualitative research
method. The data in this study will be obtained through interviews and
observation. The results showed that the students to speak English was
good. Most of the students are good at fluency and are enthusiastic about
students speaking English in presenting solutions to some problems given
by the teacher. The Use of Problem-Based Learning for Encouraging
Students to Speak English can be seen from the results of interviews and
observations which state that students' fluency in English is encouraging.