Abstract :
This study discusses increasing vocabulary mastery by using using flipbook
media for class VIII junior high school students. The problem in this study is that
students only use conventional learning (lecturer method) in the learning process,
as a result students become lazy and feel boring when they are asked to memorize
vocabulary and students are lacking motivation in vocabulary. So, it makes it
difficult for students to understand the text. The purpose of this study was to
examine the extent to which flipbooks improve vocabulary mastery in narrative text
for class VIII junior high school students.
Many students find it difficult to acquire and convey messages because of
vocabulary mastery. Since Vocabulary plays a major role as a basic requirement for
language learning, mastering it becomes vital in learning. English. On the other
hand, the limited vocabulary of students' comprehension in reading comprehension
texts, especially in the second language class. Therefore, this research was
conducted to obtain information regarding the effectiveness of using flip books in
improving English vocabulary mastery of Grade 2 junior high school students. This
research uses a flip book approach in helping students to improve fun vocabulary