Abstract :
The success of a teacher in a Surabaya elementary school who used
flashcards to teach English vocabulary served as the inspiration for this study. As
the primary source of knowledge, he can share details about his experience using
flashcards to teach vocabulary. A narrative inquiry approach was used in this
research's qualitative phase. Observation, interviews, and documentation studies
are utilized as data collection methods. The method of analysis employed is an
inductive study of data from Miles and Huberman's interactive model, which entails
data collection, reduction, presentation, and conclusion or verification.The results
of this study indicate that three predefined themes provide the basis for participant
narrative analysis. The first theme is the use of flashcards in teaching vocabulary.
This theme expresses the process of teaching. The second is the teacher's perception
of the advantages of using flashcards in teaching vocabulary. The last is the
teacher's perception of the lack of use of flashcards in teaching vocabulary. This
explains the development of the teacher's perception of flashcards as a medium for
teaching vocabulary.