Abstract :
This study analyzes how the Strategies in Facing Challenges by Elementary
School English Teachers During Covid-19 Pandemic Online Learning. In the
midst of the current Covid-19 pandemic, online learning is being implemented in
an effort to continue to realize national education goals. Face-to-face learning in
schools has been replaced by online learning. The goal of this study is to discover
if there are any special strategies used in dealing with challenges that arise during
online learning, specifically in learning English class at State Elementary School
in Manyar, Gresik. This study is a field study, with a qualitative descriptive
technique. Data collection techniques used were interviews and documentation
and data processing techniques were carried out by gathering data, reducing data,
showing data, and checking data. Meanwhile, descriptive qualitative analysis will
be used to analyze the data. Mrs. RR, S.Pd as a English teacher in State
Elementary School in Gresik, Manyar, Gresik is the subject of this research.
Whereas the object is Strategies in Facing Challenges by Elementary School
English Teachers During Covid-19 Pandemic Online Learning. According to the
Results of this study, the use of learning strategies in online learning is carried out
with the use of a student handbook that contains material and questions prepared
by the teacher that will be explained to students to be studied and done at home
during the learning process, as well as some other media when necessary. Some of
the challenges faced during online learning include assessing students' affective
and psychomotor abilities, as well as their parents' backgrounds.