Abstract :
The study of the effectiveness of CASE from FLASER (Create Sentence from Fairy
Tale Snake and Ladder) game in teaching English Simple Past Tense in Junior High
School in Surabaya. CASE from FLASER game is a board game which is modified
by the researcher from the common Snake and Ladder game in order to increase the
students' mastery on Simple Past Tense in the context of Narrative story. This game
is an easy and fun way for students to learn and practice their communication skill.
On this occasion, this research aims to find out the effectiveness of using CASE from
FLASER game whether there is significance on students' understanding of Simple
Past Tense or not. This study uses quantitative approach. The data of this research
are number from learning results of students' CASE from FLASER game models.
The collected data will be tested using an independent sample T -test. The result
showed that the learning use CASE from FLASER game was effectively used for
Junior High School students.