Abstract :
Anxiety is another psychological problem that often brings difficulty to
improve speaking skills. It can appear in various forms such as feelingof tension or
stress and worries. Anxiety will impede students? speaking performance in classroom.
When a teacher asks students to practice in front of the class, some of them think that if
they make mistake, their classmates will laugh at them. So, they prefer to be quiet. In
fact, the students often face difficulties when speaking in front of large people. Anxiety
harms students? performance with the existence of worries, self-doubt, and low self-
confidence. From the reason was explained above, this research was conducted to
explain the types of speaking anxiety that students face in English publicspeaking
and the effect of anxiety on students? English public speaking.
This study used qualitative method with case study design to describe result of
analyzing the types of speaking anxiety that students face in English publicspeaking
and the effect of anxiety on students? English public speaking. The data source was
primary data and secondary data. Primary data was collected by researchers directly
from main sources through observations and interviews. In this study, those data were
collected in extracurricular and secondary data was from data obtainedor collected by
people conducting research from sources that already exists. Then, the technique of
data analysis was data reduction, data display, data analysis, and drawing conclusion.
The result of research was that there were three types of anxiety that students
experienced in learning English public speaking, those were trait anxiety, state anxiety,
and specific-situation anxiety. Then the effects of anxiety on students? English public
speaking were not smooth in speaking, hesitate to speak, losing idea, feel ashamed or
getting shyness, difficult to deliver idea, and losing focus.