Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Surabaya
L Education (General)
2023-04-06 04:49:47
Abstract :
Oral feedback is required to have occurred in a classroom which is intended to
provide correction to students so that it can motivate them and ask them to
deliver the speaking in correct form for the next performance. (Siska et al.,
2018) stated that feedback is to support and enhance the learning process. this
research was aimed at analyze the oral feedback on students? speaking skill at
The ?17? English Course, Kampung Inggris, Pare, Kediri. The study was
conducted to figure out the types of oral feedback given by teachers and to
understand how do teachers carry out the feedback to students. Research
design used by the researcher was a qualitative. The research was collected the
data through observation in the form of observation field note and interviews
to be analyzed in order to achieve the result. The study was carried out at The
?17? English Course and the subjects of the research were three teachers from
Speak First Classes. The result presented the types of oral feedback that used
in the classroom, there are 65 feedbacks Recast 33 (50,8%), 29 (44,6%) is
Explicit Correction, Clarification request obtains 2 (3,1%) and the least used
type of feedback is Metalinguistic 1 (1,5%), however repetition and elicitation
were not found in this research. It can be drawn a conclusion that teachers
convey correction at when students make mistakes which resulted in three
types of oral feedback used in classroom.