Penerapan Pendekatan Kontekstual Materi Pokok Hukum Newton Pada Peserta Didik Kelas VIII Semester Ganjil SMP Negeri 3 Kupang Barat Tahun Pelajaran 2016/2017
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
BIEN, Rahap
LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools 
2019-12-14 01:25:50 
Abstract :
Contextual approach is a learning strategy that emphasizes learning activities that learners are fully, both physically and mentally. Contextual view that learning is not the memorization process, but through the learning experiences through which students, they can understand the nature and purpose of learning materials they experienced directly. Classroom learning by applying contextual rather than as a place to obtain information, but a place to make the process of testing the data and information obtained from the learning materials experienced learners. The main issue in this study is how the subject matter of the application of the contextual approach effort and energy on the learner class VIII semester SMPN 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017? In detail the problems in this study were: (1) How does the teacher's ability to manage the learning activities by applying a contextual approach to the subject matter of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017 ? (2) How Learning Outcome Indicators completeness by applying a contextual approach to the subject matter of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017 ? (3) How does mastery learning outcomes of students in learning by applying a contextual approach to the subject matter of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017 ? (4) What is the response of students to the learning activities by applying a contextual approach to the subject matter of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN Recognized 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017 ? The purpose of this study is to describe the results of a contextual approach to the subject matter of the application of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN Recognized 3 Kupang barat academic year 2016/2017. Detailed objectives of this study were: (1) to describe the teacher's ability to manage learning activities with contextual approach subject matter of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN Recognized 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017; (2) Describe the completeness indicator results learning by applying a contextual approach subject matter of effort and energy in class VIII learners semester SMPN Recognized 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017; (3) Describe the learning outcomes of students with a contextual approach subject matter of effort and energy in class VIII learners Recognized SMPN semester Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017; (4) to describe the response of the students to the learning activities by applying a contextual approach to the subject matter of effort and energy in the classroom learners VIII semester SMPN Recognized 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017. Type of research is a descriptive study and the subject of this study is the teacher (researcher) and the students of class VIII SMPN 3 Kupang Barat academic year 2016/2017, amounting to 20 people. Learning device used is learner teaching materials, syllabus, lesson plan, student worksheets, grilles and achievement test. Research data collection techniques are observation, tests and questionnaires. While the instruments used in this study is the observation sheet management of learning by applying a contextual approach subject matter Effort and Energy, achievement test (product and authentic assessment) and form response learners. Techniques of data analysis of this research is descriptive analysis by calculating the average value, percentages, and proportions. Based on the results of a descriptive analysis of the data showed that the general application of the contextual approach is good for the subject matter of energy and effort in the classroom learners VIII SMPN 3 Kupang Barat, amounting to 20 people. Obtained detailed teacher's ability to manage the learning subject matter physics effort and energy that includes lesson planning, implementation and evaluation of learning is learning well. Indicators of learning outcomes prepared eleven indicators are all finished products. Learning outcomes of students in the class said to complete the product aspect, authentic assessment and response learners so that the application of a contextual approach to the subject matter of energy and effort very well. 
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang