Pengaruh Kemampuan Verbal Dan Penyesuaian Diri Terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas VII SMP
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
L Education (General) 
2019-10-24 05:06:58 
Abstract :
This study aims to determine whether or not the influence of verbal skills and adjustment partially or simultaneously to the achievement of learning mathematics grade VII stedents SMPN 13 Kupang. The population in this study are all students of class VII which amounted 10 classes with two class amounted to 66 students are used as a sample by using the simple random sampling technique. The type of this research is quantitative research. Statistical analysis that used multiple regression analysis use SPSS 22.0 for windows. The result of hypotesis test (1) there is a partially significant influence of the verbal ability to the mathematics learning achievement of grade VII students of SMPN 13 Kupang, as evidenced by the value of tcount = 2.645 > ttable = 1.998, then rejected H0; (2) there is a partially significant influence of the adjustment to the mathematics learning achievement of grade VII students of SMPN 13 Kupang, as evidenced by the value of tcount = 3.681 > ttable = 1.998 , then rejected H0 ; (3) there is a significant influence simultaneously of verbal ability and adjustment to the mathematic learning achievement of grade VII students of SMPN 13 Kupang as evidenced by the value of Fcount = 9.708 > Ftable = 3.14, then rejected H0. Based on the result of the research, the researcher concudes that there is a significant influence of verval ability and adjustment either partially or simultaneously to the mathematic learning achievement of grade VII students of SMPN 13 Kupang. 
Institution Info

Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang