Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Kepegawaian Personil Polri Pada Kepolisian Resor Belu.
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
VALADARES, Aleixo Jose Martins
QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science 
2019-10-28 04:37:16 
Abstract :
Belu Resor Police is the executor of POLRI duties and authorities in Belu and Malaka District and has a total of 812 member. The large number of members in POLRES Belu, data processing personnel or members must be managed well in order to realize the process of career coaching of its members. Cause in this processing data of personnel or members, POLRES Belu still don’t have a good data processing system even though already using the computer. The data processing system of personi is still done conventionally or manually, the computer serve as a tool in working on the report in type using auxiliary media in the from of word and excel. Method used in this research is waterfall method or often called classic life cycle. Therefore it is necessary to develop a data processing application of police personnel that can help the Belu Police Resor in collecting, processing and presenting data quickly, accurately and on target. 
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang