Sistem Informasi Geografis Tempat Pengisian Air Tangki Kota Kupang Berbasis Web.
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
LOPES, Oscar
GB Physical geography 
2019-10-29 01:34:40 
Abstract :
Kupang City has 6 districts. The need for clean water for every citizen is uneven. Water tank sales service is mostly done in Kupang City to serve clean water needs in 6 subdistricts. The community is unaware of the location where tankers, profiles, conditions other than those possessed by the Kupang Municipal Government. In addition, the drivers who deliver water also do not know exactly the customer who ordered water tank. Owners of tank water filling, also membutukan media promotion of water filling location. This research aims to make Geographic Information System of tank water filling location in Kupang City. This study addresses the needs of customers' systems, drivers, and owners of tank water filling Geographic Information System Development using waterfall method, built web-based system using PHP and MySQL database. 
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang