Sistem Temu Balik Informasi Dokumen Teks Menggunakan Vector Space Model (Studi Kasus : Pencarian Buku Cetak Di Toko Buku Suci –Kupang).
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
SOMU, Mariam Fatima
QA75 Electronic computers. Computer science 
2019-10-29 03:21:44 
Abstract :
The book isinformation medium that has an important role in the development of science. Right nowthere are many bookstores that provide various types of books, one of which is the Suci Book Store. In Suci book stores, there are problems that employees often encounter in finding a print book that the buyer is looking for or wants. On the basis of this, an Information Retrieval System was built to recover the book.Vector space model method is one of the alternatives that can be implemented to solve the problem. with vector space model method can be seen the level of similarity by way of weighting term (word) and similarity calculation. this is a weighting method by calculating the distance between documents and the calculation of the resemblance of documents and queries.This information retrieval system can make it easier to locate and locate the desired translation of a book more efficiently with books as needed with the average time of information retrieval is fast which is 0.001454 seconds. 
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang