The Use Of Snowball Throwing Technique To Improve Reading Comprehension Ability Of The Eighth Grade Students Of SMPK Sta. Theresia Kupang In The School Year 2017/2018
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang
POMA, Sarlianus
LB Theory and practice of education 
2022-11-08 00:30:23 
Abstract :
It was conducted to answer the following questions. (1) Is snowball throwing technique effective to improve reading comprehension ability of the eighth grade students of SMPK Sta. Theresia Kupang in the school year 2017/2018? (2) How is snowball throwing technique implemented to improve reading comprehension ability of the eighth grade students of SMPK Sta. Theresia Kupang in the school year 2017/2018? The objectives of the study are the following. (1) To find out whether snowball throwing technique is effective to improve reading comprehension ability of the eighth grade students of SMPK Sta. Theresia Kupang in the school year 2017/2018 or not. (2) To describe the implementation of snowball throwing technique to improve reading comprehension ability of the eighth grade students of SMPK Sta. Theresia Kupang in the school year 2017/2018. To answer those questions above, the writer applied Snowball Throwing Technique to improve reading comprehension ability in descriptive text. The subject of this study was the eighth grade students of SMPK Sta. Theresia Kupang. The total number of the eighth grade students was 162 distributed in 6 classes. However, in this study the writer chose Class Eight A. There were 24 students in this class. This study belongs to the Classroom Action Research (CAR) based on the model offered by Kemmis and McTaggart and were conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages: planning, action, observation, and reflection. In cycle I planning stage included problem identification, problem analysis, gathering the related literature, and organizing equipment and materials. The research instruments used in this study were lesson plans, pre-test, cycle I post-test, cycle II post-test, students? product (Snowball Throwing) evaluation sheet, journal and observation sheet; action stage included performing a pre-test, delivering the objective of the lesson, giving the explanation about descriptive text, giving an introduction about Snowball Throwing, teaching the students to make a Snowball Throwing and how to apply it in their reading activity, providing time for students to read the text and making their own Snowball, arranging a discussion, and cycle I post-test; observation stage included monitoring students? behavior towards the teaching learning activity; and reflection stage included analyzing and evaluating the data from the written test, students? product, journal, and the observation result. In cycle II all stages were implemented in the same way as in cycle I except for the planning stage in which the focus was on the reflection result of the previous cycle and attempting to repair the weakness that occurred before. The result of the analysis of the study, there were improvements shown by the subject. The pre-test result was good and categorized as ?good?, in which the average score was 76.2 of 100 and 79.17% of the subject was able to pass the test. The result of cycle I indicated improvement. The average exercise 1 score was 83.33 of 100 and 95.8% of the subject was able to pass the test, it was categorized as ?very good?. The average post-test score was 92 of 100 and 95.83% of the subject was able to pass the test, and it was categorized as ?excellent?. Besides that, the average product score was 3.18 of 4.00, it was categorized as ?good? and the average score of students? behavior and respond was 2.95 of 4.00, it was categorized as ?good?. The average product score and students? behavior and respond during implementing Snowball Throwing Technique indicated that the implementation of Snowball Throwing Technique in the classroom could improve students? reading comprehension, especially in descriptive text. While the result of cycle 2 showed that the average of exercise 2 score increased 96.3 of 100 and 100% of the subject was able to pass the test, it was categorized as ?excellent?. The average post-test score really increased 97.91 of 100 and 100% of the subject was able to pass the test, and it was categorized as ?excellent?. It indicated a great improvement with the high score. The average product score was 3.50 of 4.00, it was also categorized as ?good?. The average score of students? behavior and respond was 3.57 of 4.00, it was categorized as ?very good?. It really increased. With the satisfactory result obtained in cycle 2, there was no need to proceed to the next cycle. The students reading ability was great, and the implementation of Snowball Throwing Technique really improved eighth grade students reading comprehension ability. It was proved by the score 95.83% of the subject was able to pass in, exercise 1 in cycle I and post-test 1 in cycle I. Meanwhile, 100% of the subject was able to pass in, exercise in cycle II, and post test in cycle II. Snowball Throwing Technique is implemented in two cycles, namely cycle I and cycle II. Cycle I consisted of exercise and pos-test. There are 10 questions each exercise and post-test. Meanwhile, cycle II consisted of exercis 
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Universitas Katolik Widya Mandira Kupang